Ami O Amar Mon

Bimalkrishna Matilal

₹ 300

The book 'Ami O Amar Man' is edited by the eminent philosopher Professor Arindam Chakraborty. Delving into the latest cognitive science, Indian Philosophy of the mind proves invaluable in advancing our understanding of sense and cognition. The book explores whether the brain possesses neural communication systems capable of attending to two or three senses simultaneously. Through the analysis and clarification of language, knowledge, desire, hate, disgust, lust, anger, mourning, Indian philosophy emerges as more advanced and profound than modern Western philosophy. Philosopher Bimalkrishna Matilal's clarity of thought and simplicity, concealing his mastery of language, serves as a testament to the richness of the Indian analytical-argument tradition. 'Ami O Amar Man' stands as a unique repository of modern Indian Philosophy of the mind.

Publisher: Anustup

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